eDeposit is a feature available in ComputerLine® or the MSUFCU Mobile app.
1) Click eDeposit in the top menu.
2) Choose "start a new deposit".
3) Review eDeposit Services Agreement and agree to terms.
4) Select the account the check will be deposited to and enter the check amount.
5) Before uploading your check images, be sure to sign the back of the check and write "For Mobile Deposit Only" in the endorsement section.
6) Click the "Check Front" box to upload the front of your check. Then select the "Check Back" box to upload the back of your check.
7) Click submit to finalize the deposit. A confirmation screen will appear. From here, you can make another eDeposit or print the screen for your records.
Please note, if you receive an error, such as "Your session expired due to inactivity. Close this tab and open a new session to log back in", this means third-party cookies are not enabled in your current browser. Please enable cookies and try again.
MSUFCU Mobile App
1) Click eDeposit in the bottom menu.
2) Select the account the check will be deposited to and enter the check amount.
3) Sign the back of the check and write "For Mobile Deposit Only" in the endorsement section.
4) Check the box stating: "Check is signed on the back and includes "For Mobile Deposit Only".
5) Tap the "Take Photos" button and take pictures of the check.
7) Once complete, a summary of the deposit will appear; tap the "Deposit" button to submit.
Please note that funds will automatically deposit to your account if the eDeposit is successful, however, a hold may be placed on these funds. Additionally, there is a daily eDeposit limit of $25,000 per base account. More information is available in our
eDeposit Services Agreement and our
Truth in Savings Disclosure and Funds Availability Policy. Please
contact us with any questions.