It’s Women’s History Month: Meet Fran, MSUFCU’s Virtual Assistant

At MSUFCU, we embrace the power of women leaders. Our first manager, Frances (Fran) Lesnieski, was a distinguished leader both at MSUFCU, and nationally, in the credit union movement of “people helping people.” Learn how MSUFCU’s first virtual assistant, named in honor of Fran, is continuing to help the Credit Union assist members with achieving their dreams.

Pay Down Debt Faster with Changed from The Lab at MSUFCU

Debt repayment can feel overwhelming, no matter what stage you’re at in life. According to, Forty-two percent of U.S. adults report that money concerns and dealing with debt negatively impacts their mental health. Changed, a debt repayment app, can help ease some of that financial anxiety.

Fraud Prevention Series: How to Know it's a Scam

As technology advances, so does the sophistication of the scams that everyday individuals are encountering. Today, there are many scams, from fake websites, text messages from a fake phone number, to the classic letter in the mail letting you know the car warranty you never had is expiring. Here are some tools and tips on spotting and avoiding scams.